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Class to construct the BM25 search object


Method new()

Creates a new instance of a BM25 class


BM25$new(data = NULL, lang = "detect", k1 = 1.2, b = 0.75, metadata = NULL)



text data, a vector of strings. Note any preprocessing steps (tolower, removing stopwords etc) need to have taken place before this!


language of the data, see self$available_languages(), can also be "detect" to automatically detect the language, default is "detect"


k1 parameter of BM25, default is 1.2


b parameter of BM25, default is 0.75


a data.frame with metadata for each document, default is NULL must be a data.frame with the same number of rows containing arbitrary metadata for each document, e.g. a file path or a URL


BM25 object


corpus <- c(
 "The rabbit munched the orange carrot.",
 "The snake hugged the green lizard.",
 "The hedgehog impaled the orange orange.",
 "The squirrel buried the brown nut."
bm25 <- BM25$new(data = corpus, lang = "en",
                 metadata = data.frame(src = paste("file", 1:4)))

bm25$query("orange", max_n = 2)
bm25$query("orange", max_n = 3)
bm25$query("orange") # return all, same as max_n = Inf or NULL

Method available_languages()

Returns the available languages




a named character vector with language codes and their full names



Method get_data()

Returns the data


BM25$get_data(add_metadata = TRUE)



whether to add metadata to the data, default is TRUE


a data.frame with the data and metadata if available and selected


BM25$new(data = letters, metadata = LETTERS)$get_data()

Method get_lang()

Returns the language used




a character string with the language code


BM25$new(lang = "en")$get_lang()
BM25$new(lang = "detect")$get_lang()

Method print()

Prints a BM25 object


BM25$print(n = 5, nchar = 20)



number of data to print, default is 5


number of characters to print for each text, default is 20


the object invisible


BM25$new(data = letters, metadata = LETTERS)

Method add_data()

Adds data to the BM25 object

This can be useful to add more data later on, note this will rebuild the engine.


BM25$add_data(data, metadata = NULL)



a vector of strings


a data.frame with metadata for each document, default is NULL




bm25 <- BM25$new()
bm25$add_data(letters, metadata = LETTERS)

Method query()

Query the BM25 object for the N best matches


BM25$query(query, max_n = NULL, return_text = TRUE, return_metadata = TRUE)



the term to search for, note all preprocessing that was applied to the text corpus initially needs to be already performed on the term, e.g., tolower, removing stopwords etc


the maximum number of results to return, default is all


whether to return the text, default is TRUE


whether to return metadata, default is TRUE


a data.frame with the results


corpus <- c(
 "The rabbit munched the orange carrot.",
 "The snake hugged the green lizard.",
 "The hedgehog impaled the orange orange.",
 "The squirrel buried the brown nut."
bm25 <- BM25$new(data = corpus, lang = "en",
                 metadata = data.frame(src = paste("file", 1:4)))

bm25$query("orange", max_n = 2)
bm25$query("orange", max_n = 3)
bm25$query("orange", return_text = FALSE, return_metadata = FALSE)
bm25$query("orange", max_n = 3)

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.


BM25$clone(deep = FALSE)



Whether to make a deep clone.


corpus <- c(
  "The rabbit munched the orange carrot.",
  "The snake hugged the green lizard.",
  "The hedgehog impaled the orange orange.",
  "The squirrel buried the brown nut."
bm25 <- BM25$new(data = corpus, lang = "en",
                 metadata = data.frame(src = paste("file", 1:4)))
bm25$query("orange", max_n = 2)
#>   id     score rank                                    text    src
#> 1  3 0.4904281    1 The hedgehog impaled the orange orange. file 3
#> 2  1 0.3566750    2   The rabbit munched the orange carrot. file 1
#>   id     score rank                                    text    src
#> 1  3 0.4904281    1 The hedgehog impaled the orange orange. file 3
#> 2  1 0.3566750    2   The rabbit munched the orange carrot. file 1
#> 3  2 0.0000000    3      The snake hugged the green lizard. file 2
#> 4  4 0.0000000    3      The squirrel buried the brown nut. file 4

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `BM25$new`
## ------------------------------------------------

corpus <- c(
 "The rabbit munched the orange carrot.",
 "The snake hugged the green lizard.",
 "The hedgehog impaled the orange orange.",
 "The squirrel buried the brown nut."
bm25 <- BM25$new(data = corpus, lang = "en",
                 metadata = data.frame(src = paste("file", 1:4)))
#> <BM25 (k1: 1.20, b: 0.75)> with 4 documents (language: 'English')
#>   - Data & Metadata 
#>                                      text metadata.src
#> 1   The rabbit munched the orange carrot.       file 1
#> 2      The snake hugged the green lizard.       file 2
#> 3 The hedgehog impaled the orange orange.       file 3
#> 4      The squirrel buried the brown nut.       file 4
#>                                      text    src
#> 1   The rabbit munched the orange carrot. file 1
#> 2      The snake hugged the green lizard. file 2
#> 3 The hedgehog impaled the orange orange. file 3
#> 4      The squirrel buried the brown nut. file 4

bm25$query("orange", max_n = 2)
#>   id     score rank                                    text    src
#> 1  3 0.4904281    1 The hedgehog impaled the orange orange. file 3
#> 2  1 0.3566750    2   The rabbit munched the orange carrot. file 1
bm25$query("orange", max_n = 3)
#>   id     score rank                                    text    src
#> 1  3 0.4904281    1 The hedgehog impaled the orange orange. file 3
#> 2  1 0.3566750    2   The rabbit munched the orange carrot. file 1
#> 3  2 0.0000000    3      The snake hugged the green lizard. file 2
bm25$query("orange") # return all, same as max_n = Inf or NULL
#>   id     score rank                                    text    src
#> 1  3 0.4904281    1 The hedgehog impaled the orange orange. file 3
#> 2  1 0.3566750    2   The rabbit munched the orange carrot. file 1
#> 3  2 0.0000000    3      The snake hugged the green lizard. file 2
#> 4  4 0.0000000    3      The squirrel buried the brown nut. file 4

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `BM25$available_languages`
## ------------------------------------------------

#>           ar           da           nl           en           fr           de 
#>     "arabic"     "danish"      "dutch"    "english"     "french"     "german" 
#>           el           hu           it           no           pt           ro 
#>      "greek"  "hungarian"    "italian"  "norwegian" "portuguese"   "romanian" 
#>           ru           es           sv           ta           tr         auto 
#>    "russian"    "spanish"    "swedish"      "tamil"    "turkish"     "detect" 

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `BM25$get_data`
## ------------------------------------------------

BM25$new(data = letters, metadata = LETTERS)$get_data()
#>    text metadata
#> 1     a        A
#> 2     b        B
#> 3     c        C
#> 4     d        D
#> 5     e        E
#> 6     f        F
#> 7     g        G
#> 8     h        H
#> 9     i        I
#> 10    j        J
#> 11    k        K
#> 12    l        L
#> 13    m        M
#> 14    n        N
#> 15    o        O
#> 16    p        P
#> 17    q        Q
#> 18    r        R
#> 19    s        S
#> 20    t        T
#> 21    u        U
#> 22    v        V
#> 23    w        W
#> 24    x        X
#> 25    y        Y
#> 26    z        Z

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `BM25$get_lang`
## ------------------------------------------------

#> [1] "Detect"
BM25$new(lang = "en")$get_lang()
#> [1] "English"
BM25$new(lang = "detect")$get_lang()
#> [1] "Detect"

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `BM25$print`
## ------------------------------------------------

BM25$new(data = letters, metadata = LETTERS)
#> <BM25 (k1: 1.20, b: 0.75)> with 26 documents (language: 'Detect')
#>   - Data & Metadata 
#>   text metadata.metadata
#> 1    a                 A
#> 2    b                 B
#> 3    c                 C
#> 4    d                 D
#> 5    e                 E
#> ... ommited 6 entries (total 26)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `BM25$add_data`
## ------------------------------------------------

bm25 <- BM25$new()
bm25$add_data(letters, metadata = LETTERS)
#> <BM25 (k1: 1.20, b: 0.75)> with 26 documents (language: 'Detect')
#>   - Data & Metadata 
#>   text metadata.metadata
#> 1    a                 A
#> 2    b                 B
#> 3    c                 C
#> 4    d                 D
#> 5    e                 E
#> ... ommited 6 entries (total 26)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `BM25$query`
## ------------------------------------------------

corpus <- c(
 "The rabbit munched the orange carrot.",
 "The snake hugged the green lizard.",
 "The hedgehog impaled the orange orange.",
 "The squirrel buried the brown nut."
bm25 <- BM25$new(data = corpus, lang = "en",
                 metadata = data.frame(src = paste("file", 1:4)))

bm25$query("orange", max_n = 2)
#>   id     score rank                                    text    src
#> 1  3 0.4904281    1 The hedgehog impaled the orange orange. file 3
#> 2  1 0.3566750    2   The rabbit munched the orange carrot. file 1
bm25$query("orange", max_n = 3)
#>   id     score rank                                    text    src
#> 1  3 0.4904281    1 The hedgehog impaled the orange orange. file 3
#> 2  1 0.3566750    2   The rabbit munched the orange carrot. file 1
#> 3  2 0.0000000    3      The snake hugged the green lizard. file 2
bm25$query("orange", return_text = FALSE, return_metadata = FALSE)
#>   id     score rank
#> 1  3 0.4904281    1
#> 2  1 0.3566750    2
#> 3  2 0.0000000    3
#> 4  4 0.0000000    3
bm25$query("orange", max_n = 3)
#>   id     score rank                                    text    src
#> 1  3 0.4904281    1 The hedgehog impaled the orange orange. file 3
#> 2  1 0.3566750    2   The rabbit munched the orange carrot. file 1
#> 3  2 0.0000000    3      The snake hugged the green lizard. file 2