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Note the mini map is not a standalone component, it is a child of ReactFlow





arguments passed to the component, see official source below


nodes <- list(
  list(id = "1", position = list(x = 0, y = 0), data = list(label = "1"),
       type = "input"),
  list(id = "2", position = list(x = 50, y = 100), data = list(label = "2")),
  list(id = "3", position = list(x = 100, y = 200), data = list(label = "3"),
       type = "output")
edges <- list(
 list(id = "e1-2", source = "1", target = "2"),
 list(id = "e2-3", source = "2", target = "3"),
 list(id = "e1-3", source = "1", target = "3")

# basic mini map
reactflow(nodes, edges, mini_map())
# add pan and zoom function to mini map reactflow( nodes, edges, mini_map(pannable = TRUE, zoomable = TRUE, nodeColor = "coral") )
# provide a function for nodeColor node_color <- JS("(node) => { if (node.type === 'input') return 'lightblue' if ( === '2') return 'lightgreen' return 'coral' }") reactflow( nodes, edges, mini_map(nodeColor = node_color) )
# add nodeComponent to style the nodes in the minimap node_component <- JS(reactR::babel_transform(' ({ x, y }) => { return <circle cx={x} cy={y} r="25" fill="coral" /> } ')) #> Loading required namespace: V8 reactflow( nodes, edges, mini_map(nodeComponent = node_component) )