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Note control component is not a standalone component, it is a child of ReactFlow





arguments passed to the element, see official source below


nodes <- list(
  list(id = "1", position = list(x = 0, y = 0), data = list(label = "1"),
       type = "input"),
  list(id = "2", position = list(x = 50, y = 100), data = list(label = "2")),
  list(id = "3", position = list(x = 100, y = 200), data = list(label = "3"),
       type = "output")
edges <- list(
 list(id = "e1-2", source = "1", target = "2"),
 list(id = "e2-3", source = "2", target = "3"),
 list(id = "e1-3", source = "1", target = "3")

# basic control
reactflow(nodes, edges, controls())
# apply custom styling reactflow(nodes, edges, controls( position = "top-right", orientation = "horizontal", # show values can be turned off, on by default showZoom = TRUE, showFitView = FALSE, showIntereactive = TRUE ))